Situated less than half a kilometre south (the distance of a gun-shot) of La Belle Alliance, Jean-Baptiste Decoster's house found itself in the midst of battle and hosting Napoléon Bonaparte for some hours in the late afternoon of the 18th June 1815

Decoster's House is the perfect addition, alongside La Belle Alliance, Hougoumont, La Haye Sainte and Papelotte Farm to your Napoleonic wargaming table.


Ideal for games such as General De Brigade, Le Feu Sacré, Black Powder, Chosen Men, and Shako, Decoster's House is also representative of many similar buildings of the region and will work perfectly for many 19th & 20th century World War Europe locations.


Supplied unassembled and unpainted in kit form with full instructions.

Any models or accessories shown are for scale purposes only and are not included.

Dimensions L170 x W55 x H70 mm (approx.)
Product Features Laser-etched detail, removable roof
Materials MDF Greyboard
Contents 1 x Decoster's house

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