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May 2024: Normandy Visions and Collaborative Triumphs

by Steve Cumming
May 2024: Normandy Visions and Collaborative Triumphs

May was a whirlwind of creativity and connection, with appearances at Carronade, Partizan, and the Games Expo keeping us on our toes.


Games Expo 2024
 Games Expo 2024


A standout moment of the month was the completion of the breathtaking Brécourt Manor and D-Day Inspired Table, crafted by Logan (Bears Army charity) and Steve (Purple Lion Creations) in support of Duncan’s Band of Brothers charity gathering funs for National Kidney Foundation's efforts.


The converted Sarissa Precision Normandy Manor


Using a variety of Sarissa Precision World War Europe buildings and the new Normandy Manor, this table showcased their intricate details and stunning craftsmanship, you can see the love and time that went into it...


Close up image of the far corner of the Duncan's Band of Brothers Table


While the Sarissa Precision Normandy Manor captured attention, our focus also turned to ancient Rome, Cthulhu style.


Sarissa Precision's Venus of Cnidus Temple Ruin


In collaboration with Modiphius, we helped create new terrain pieces for their latest Cohors Cthulhu Kickstarter


Picture of Modiphius' new miniatures in  Sarissa Precision's Studio


Hosting their team as they took pictures on our terrain was an absolute delight, and we enjoyed contributing to the content creation for their campaign, which included exciting releases for Sarissa, such as the Limes Germanicus Tower and the Temple of Apollo Ruin.


Sarissa Precision's Limes Germanicus Tower  Sarissa Precision's Limes Germanicus Tower
"Defences such as this Limes Germanicus Tower would have been the only protection for the local provinces of Rome from enemy occupation."


Sarissa Precision's Temple of Apollo Ruin  Sarissa Precision's Temple of Apollo Ruin
"Remains such as this Temple of Apollo Ruin would have been a common sight after a rampaging enemy army has conquered Roman territory."


May was a true testament to the power of collaboration, as we balanced historical terrain, charity efforts, and partnerships to bring our shared vision for the hobby.


12 Days To Christmas Blogs, 2024 Recap:

by Steve Cumming

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