Come and meet me (Dave) for a chat and pick up your next game/project/miniatures & terrain at these events* throughout 2025: Wargames Shows 2025 Show Location Date Vapnartak York Sunday 2nd February BeachHead Dorset 8th/9th February WMMS Wolverhampton Sunday 30th March Chillcon Sheffield Saturday 22nd March Overlord Oxford Sunday 23rd March Salute London Saturday 12th April Carronade Falkirk Saturday 3rd May Partizan Newark Sunday 18th May Games Expo Birmingham NEC Fri 30 May - 2 June Broadside Gillingham, Kent June Phalanx Liverpool June Attack 2025 Devizes July Claymore Edinburgh August Britcon Nottingham August Border Reivers Gateshead September Hereward...
Plan for the post to be a little all over the place as we get towards the busiest time of year. Please make sure you get those orders in for anything you need (want want want) for Christmas! Read more HERE
Our SP Master Maker Johan has worked his creative magic again! He has taken Sarissa Precision's British Pill Box and Factory Unit 2 to a new stunning level, continuing his S.T.A.L.K.E.R.-inspired terrain. Johan has brought to life the N089 British Pill Box Set with his transformation! With unmatched attention to detail, he’s carefully selected and layered tufts from multiple sources to add depth and realism to the base and sides, giving the piece that wild, overgrown look you'd expect in a S.T.A.L.K.E.R.-inspired landscape. Johan crafted another striking building for S.T.A.L.K.E.R., this time using Sarissa Precision’s Factory Unit 2. Finished...
This incredible transformation of the Sarissa Precision's N136 Guard House was brought to life by the highly skilled hobbyist Johan! He converted the original kit into an impressive Guard House for the Research Complex in S.T.A.L.K.E.R., drawing inspiration from it's gritty, post-apocalyptic world. He has created a truly remarkable piece that’s packed with detail. Johan's blog offers an exciting behind-the-scenes look at how he brought this incredible structure to life, guiding you through every stage—from the project's initial spark of inspiration to the final, polished details. Guardhouse for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. by Gunbird Johan -...
May Contain Colourful Language! September 2024 marked an exciting milestone for Sarissa Precision as we unveil the first sets in our new Tollingchester range. Along with these new releases, you'll notice something different - a fresh branding under the name Sarissa CMYK. This new logo and brand might leave you wondering, "What's that all about?" Origins and Vision The creation of the Sarissa CMYK brand was driven by a need to distinguish between our traditional products and those that are full colour printed. Steve's 30+ years of experience in the print industry made the Sarissa CMYK...