Come and meet me (Dave) for a chat and pick up your next game/project/miniatures & terrain at these events* throughout 2025: Wargames Shows 2025 Show Location Date Vapnartak York Sunday 2nd February BeachHead Dorset 8th/9th February WMMS Wolverhampton Sunday 30th March Chillcon Sheffield Saturday 22nd March Overlord Oxford Sunday 23rd March Salute London Saturday 12th April Carronade Falkirk Saturday 3rd May Partizan Newark Sunday 18th May Games Expo Birmingham NEC Fri 30 May - 2 June Broadside Gillingham, Kent June Phalanx Liverpool June Attack 2025 Devizes July Claymore Edinburgh August Britcon Nottingham August Border Reivers Gateshead September Hereward...
We've made shopping easier and more convenient with our new click and collect service! Customers can now place an order online and collect their items at our Sarissa Precision HQ or at events we attend. This way, you can save time and enjoy more flexibility in your shopping experience. Our ordering and collection system is easy to use, simply select 'Pick Up' at checkout (see image below) and choose either Sarissa HQ or the Event that you will be attending. Shop with us and try our click and collect service today! Speaking of events, we're excited to offer you a massive selection...