Geoff Lacey from Purple Lion Creations, an exceptionally gifted artist, masterfully used our Normandy Manor kit to recreate the iconic Brécourt Manor from D-Day in WWII. This stunning piece was built for Duncan's Band of Brothers epic 16-by-4-foot wargaming table, which served as a fundraiser for Bear's Army and the National Kidney Federation. Showcased at Games Expo 2024 and the Overlord Museum in Normandy, this spectacular table was a sight to see! We shipped Geoff our freshly flat-packed Normandy Manor kit, making it as challenging as possible with no instructions (it was a pre-test-cut kit after all ;)...
We spotted Matthieu Lsq hard at work on some of our Dark age kits and nabbed him for a few words on the build... Matthieu: I just finished two customised cottages from Sarissa Precision for my games of The Barons' War: A Medieval Skirmish Game, Hope you like them ! I had a plan in mind to customise these kits a little. I scored with a knife the wood parts that would end up showing. Added detail with cut foam and balsa wood. Then, I used filling coating (like plaster) for the wall. I used some basic acrylic basing...
We love seeing everyone's interpretations and where they take our kits. Having awarded Chris (aka. Terrain Bandit) as a #SPMasterMaker (read about the award you can get here) for his previous work on some of our Old West buildings, we sent him a set of the latest City Block to see what he came up with... Chris: Here’s a couple of buildings I did in collaboration with Sarissa Precision timed for the release of their new City Block range. I wanted to capture a dystopian feel, themed along the lines of The Last Of Us and found some really cool inspirational images to guide me....
We’ve got a special new logo that we know you’ll want to add to your awesome work so here’s how! Over the years we’ve seen some spectacular results of your time and our terrain. Going forward, we want to properly say thank you for sharing and reward those that stand out from the crowd be it by how they’ve incorporated our terrain into a diorama, set out a visually stunning game table or dramatic detail in a single piece(s) The Master Maker SP approved logo is going to be our way of saying thank you and recognising...
We're always on the look out for inspiration and Adam Dews (@F4freddieterrafirma) is one customer who has it in spades! Adam recently sent in this masterful adaptation of our classic Chateau. Adam: So, recently Sarissa updated their World War Europe range with grey-board roof tiles to give us a much better realistic roof effect. When I had the idea for this build I had already built the new version in another project. This kit was the pre-grey board roof and tiles which I figured was a good excuse to add my own detail. Building the Château Following the included...