Robin Lous, La Belle Alliance
We recently spotted some awesome photos of a “slightly” modified La Belle Alliance. Once we'd seen it we knew we needed some. Extra detail so we got the maker, Robin Lous, to make a few notes on how he went about the brilliant transformation...
Sadly…after the battle of Waterloo, the building changed a lot. It’s a shadow of its former self…pretty sad!
It’s lower now, doors and windows changed size, the chimney from the annex on the south side is no longer present…and more.
I used several sketches and paintings of La Belle Alliance for my “research”.
To modify the kit, I used wood (for model ship building), styrene sheet, Evergreen strips, cardboard stone and roof tile sheets from Noch and Vallejo acrylic paint.
I highly enjoyed this build and I look forward to build La Haye Sainte and Papelotte.
Hope you like it!
Robin Lous
Explore, La Belle Alliance and other famous buildings from old Europe;