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Robin Lous, La Belle Alliance

by Staff Account

We recently spotted some awesome photos of a “slightly” modified La Belle Alliance. Once we'd seen it we knew we needed some. Extra detail so we got the maker, Robin Lous, to make a few notes on how he went about the brilliant transformation...


Robin Lous,  La Belle Alliance


Sadly…after the battle of Waterloo, the building changed a lot. It’s a shadow of its former self…pretty sad!

Robin Lous,  La Belle Alliance

It’s lower now, doors and windows changed size, the chimney from the annex on the south side is no longer present…and more.
I used several sketches and paintings of La Belle Alliance for my “research”.

Robin Lous,  La Belle Alliance

To modify the kit, I used wood (for model ship building), styrene sheet, Evergreen strips, cardboard stone and roof tile sheets from Noch and Vallejo acrylic paint.

 Robin Lous,  La Belle Alliance Robin Lous,  La Belle Alliance
Robin Lous,  La Belle Alliance Robin Lous,  La Belle Alliance


I highly enjoyed this build and I look forward to build La Haye Sainte and Papelotte.

Hope you like it!

Robin Lous


Robin Lous,  La Belle Alliance



Explore, La Belle Alliance and other famous buildings from old Europe;

by Staff Account