George paints a new tiled roofed building
We recently added roof tiles as standard to our WWE range of 28mm kits and George whisked one straight off the laser to take home and paint...

George; Well, I couldn't help it. The extra detail afforded by the change we've made by including roof tiles in the kits just had to be tested.
These buildings are quick to build and easy to detail (I even added some wall paper to the internal top floor). As I'm not fussed about going inside for games, I glued the roof on then got on to painting the outside.

A quick dark red drybrush provides a nice tile base colour, followed by an additional drybrushed highlight layer to bring out the tile detail nicely.
For the brick detail, I basically spray painted (with a rattle can) the brown beige base layer then used our brick stencil by using a sponge to paint the red brick pattern. I used two tones of red/orange for variation. Once the bricks were dry I masked off some patches with torn masking tape so I could add detail into the plaster work later.

I used the rattle can spray of the original base colour to lightly (from a distance) go back over the brickwork, leaving the brick pattern showing faintly through in places. Quick sponging and drybrushing of a darker brown colour gives a more worn mottled effect to the final wall colour. I then peeled off the masking tape revealing the clean brick.
A quick method to make the plaster look old and damaged is to use a black pen to first outline and then add the cracks. I suppose you can also use a very thin black paint if you have good brush control.

All up it took a little over an hour to put the whole finished building together to this level. I plan to add a few more, then I'll look at a centre piece building that I can add a bit more detail into.
Thanks George! If you want to get some ideas on how to work with MDF kits then check out the only Complete Working With MDF guide you'll ever need in store.