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The Normandy Manor

by Steve Cumming
The Normandy Manor

Manors such as this are found across Normandy, this particular manor would be the perfect addition to any D-Day-inspired tables to re-enact the famous action around Brécourt.


The Brécourt Manor Assault (6 June 1944)

Often used as a classic example of small-unit tactics and leadership in overcoming a larger enemy-fortified position. Following D-Day, the 101st Airborne's Easy Company launched an assault on a German gun position in this location. Utah Beach was under attack from German artillery, and the division's task was to neutralise it.


Normany manor social image

The raid was a resounding success, significantly reducing artillery fire on Utah Beach and aiding the Allied advance. The operation is now studied in military academies worldwide.

The Brécourt Manor assault symbolises the resourcefulness and tenacity of the Allied forces. It was famously depicted in the HBO miniseries "Band of Brothers," bringing the heroics of the 101st Airborne to a new generation.


The Sarissa Normandy Manor

The story of Brécourt Manor continues to inspire, in fact when Duncan Wasdell contacted us with his idea to extend his fantastic charity D-Day Band of Brother battlefield, our designer Gary jumped at the chance to bring this famous location to our tabletops.


Duncans band of brothers, social picture

Duncan's Band of Brothers Battlefield in action at Games Expo 2024


Normandy Manor converted and painted by Geoff at Purple Lion Creations


Gary quickly worked up a shell for the building, which got sent to Geoff at Purple Lion Creations. Geoff worked his conversion magic (using a variety of kits from the World War Europe range) to create the 'Brécourt Manor', which is now in use for charity games. You can find details here: We will take a look at how Geoff built and converted the Manor in a separate blog post soon.


Logan working on the table for games expo
Logan working on the table for games expo

 Logan from Bears Army, working on the battlefields, ready for Games Expo 2024. 


If you want to recreate Brécourt Manor, check out our Normandy Manor and other kits from the World War Europe range

The Normandy Manor
by Steve Cumming